Episode guests are Arizona Spaceport Alliance duo, Karyn MacVean and Ben Hernandez. Join us as we discuss what goes into bringing a spaceport and the space economy to Arizona.
Podcast Episode: HERE
Arizona Spaceport Alliance
North Star Commercial Real Estate Advisors
SMP Show Notes - Expanded
Want to know more about the marketing strategies discussed in today’s podcast?
The corresponding pages are provided for a deeper dive into the listed strategy in Izzy’s book, Space Marketing: Competing in the new commercial space industry available at Amazon and Audible.
Listen to your audience (page 65)
Your community is a critical part of your brand’s journey, especially with spaceports. When developing a conversation with them, work with where they are. Respectful two-way communication with your community can be beneficial. Forcing people to see any view will only make them dig in and they will resist. This can be costly in time and money.
On the flipside, the community can be your biggest advocates. By working with their concerns, ambitions, and strengths, you can work together to accomplish something great.
It is a critical for your brand to establish a relationship with your current and future workforce. Introduce your company early on with educational programs and sponsored events. Partner with educational institutions to provide the tools that the future generations need to flourish.
Education-based marketing (page 180)
Girl Scouts Girls can build
Brand Partners (page 175)
Building strategic alliances is an important key to success. Arizona Spaceport Alliance has built valuable partnerships with:
Arizona State University
University of Arizona
Thunderbird school of Management
Embry Riddle
Arizona - The space in space for everyone
Events (page 160)
An event can generate buzz. It gives a reason for content, to be created and consumed, like social media posts, videos, or articles. In addition, it can provide the opportunity for engagement with a brand’s audience, vendors, suppliers, colleagues, and people of influence.
It also provides a venue for great conversation to develop. Establish a membership with monthly meeting such as a Lunch and Learn, roundtable, or forum for your tribe to come together.
It is important to establish a narrative that demonstrates the importance of space so we can take care of our planet. We have to see the Earth from space in order to fix it.